A kétarcú igék 4.- befejező rész

Kattints a lenti képre a videó megtekintéséhez!


Can you help me (to) move this table?

Can you help me (to) do the washing-up?---------------Can you help me with the washing-up?

Can't help + ing

I can't help laughing when I look at his hairstyle.

We couldn't help yawning during his boring lecture.

Like, love, hate, can't bear/can't stand

I like reading.

I hate getting up early.
I can't stand going to lectures.
I can't bear jogging.

I like to read in bed. / I like to have breakfast in bed.

I hate to tell you this but your hair is like an Easter egg.
I can't bear to stand in the freezing cold waiting for the bus.


move - elmozdít
do the washing-up - elmosogat
laugh - nevet
hairstyle- frizura
yawn - ásít
lecture - előadás
during - alatt
hate - utál
can't bear - nem bírja elviselni
can't stand - ki nem állhatja
get up - felkel
early - korán
jog - kocog
Easter egg - húsvéti tojás
freezing cold - dermesztő hideg


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